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I was inspired to create

Happy for Keeps 

"Discover and Live Your Happy"

because I yearned to be aligned

with my authentic self.


I was chasing the American dream...


I had careers in International Trade, Real Estate, 

Education and became a small business owner as well. 

I was afforded much in life.


These are all great blessings and

I am truly grateful for all of these opportunities but I was running a long and exhausting race like most people to achieve these goals.  I was following social norms (what society considers as honorable) yet 

I was missing something much deeper and important "my true happy." 


It was time for some inner exploration.    

I had to dig deep from within to discover my true happy, the divine essence that truly defines me and translates to my innermost passion. 


I made a deliberate decision to make life changes: simplify my life, strengthen my relationship with God, be intentional in having a mindset of gratitude and live out that true happy and purpose which aligns harmoniously with my inner being.


And so my true happy is actively sharing this truth and core value with you:

Look from within to discover the true you and be intentional in living an authentic, purposefully happy and fulfilling life.


Discover and live your "Happy!"  






   Helpful Happy





















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